Marshall Art Studio:

Web Development + Design, Graphic Design, Illustration, Comic Book Art

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Marshall Art Studio: Illustration Friday

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Illustration Friday

David Marshall's iFriday: Confined

Tech Talk

Corel Painter, Adobe CS3

Art Speak

Cover for the science fiction comic book Outbound. The surrealistic story "The Null Device" combines Jack Kirby action, intergalactic espionage and speculative history of computing. One reviewer comments on the "very attractive visual style". The cover focuses on rescuing a "Damsel in Distress".


Has it really been a year-and-a-half? Guess I've been busy: Current Projects | SketchCrawl | Art of the Comic Book | Lucky Seven, the Dee Brown Incident | 24-Hour Comic Book Day

Freshness Dating


What the Heck is Illustration Friday?

Think of it as a voluntary, client-free playground for illustrators. A topic is posted every Friday morning. Participants from around the world create, post and share their interpretations.

No Client? Why Bother?

At this stage of my career, I need a weekly public exercise to draw anything at all.

Freshness Dating

Unless otherwise stated, my iFriday work is all-new, created soley for that week's theme. Other Freshness categories include:

  • Repurposed
    Old art, lifted straight from the archives with no current modifications
  • Refurbished
    Previously-viewed art, modified and enhanced for current times
  • Alt Theme
    Past iFriday themes, presented when I have nothing for the current week's theme

Mission Statement

"It is better to be hated for what you are than to be loved for what you are not."
-- Andre Gide

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