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Marshall Art Studio: Illustration Friday

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Illustration Friday

iFriday: Geek Trick

Tech Talk

Corel Painter, Gouche and Blender tools

Art Speak

Back in 1982, "Harry the Hat" Anderson performed a geek trick by shoving a needle through his arm. As his blood trickled to the floor, Harry called the screaming spectators "a bunch of namby-pambies", insisting it was all a trick. Mimicing a violinist by moving the needle back and forth through his wound, Harry caused an even louder reaction by asking "Would you like me to play 'Melancholy Baby'?". IMDB | SNL Transcript

iFriday: Geeky Web Trick

Tech Talk

Adobe Illustrator + Painter. Screenshot from BBEdit

Geeky Web Trick: Counting Your Comrades

Ever wonder how many other iFridaynistas there are out there, like you, toiling away their talent for intangible gain? If you've got a web editor like BBEdit or Dreamweaver, here's an easy way to find out:

  1. Click here
  2. On the left navigation column, right-click to "View Frame Source", save to your local desktop
  3. With your favorite web editor, open your local copy in "code view"
  4. Search for "img src="thumbs/" (this string is unique to each artist's thumbnail)
  5. Click "Find All"

That should do it! The search result should produce a line like "fooNUMBER occurances of "img src="thumbs/" found ..."! For an accurate assessment, do this late Thursday night or early Friday morning. Last time I tried, there were just over 500.

iFriday: Geeky IDG

Freshness Dating

Refurbished: Individual illustrations from the mid-1990s. Collage and background are new

Tech Talk

Vector art in pre-Wacom tablet Adobe Illustrator.


Samples from my high-flying days as an illustrator for Computerworld magazine (one of my geekiest clients, under the International Data Group). Once again, real life prevented a newer posting. Hopefully the collage technique expresses a transformation of neurotic chicken-stratching into a high-tech career.

What the Heck is Illustration Friday?

Think of it as a voluntary, client-free playground for illustrators. A topic is posted every Friday morning. Participants from around the world create, post and share their interpretations.

No Client? Why Bother?

At this stage of my career, I need a weekly public exercise to draw anything at all.

Freshness Dating

Unless otherwise stated, my iFriday work is all-new, created soley for that week's theme. Other Freshness categories include:

  • Repurposed
    Old art, lifted straight from the archives with no current modifications
  • Refurbished
    Previously-viewed art, modified and enhanced for current times
  • Alt Theme
    Past iFriday themes, presented when I have nothing for the current week's theme

Mission Statement

"It is better to be hated for what you are than to be loved for what you are not."
-- Andre Gide

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