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Marshall Art Studio: Illustration Friday

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Illustration Friday


A study utilizing pairs of black and white job applicants with identical credentials found that in 476 hirings in Washington, DC, and Chicago, "unequal treatment of black job seekers was entrenched and widespread, contradicting claims that hiring practices today either favor blacks or are effectively color blind. In 20 percent of the audits, whites were able to advance further through the hiring process than equally qualified blacks."

Opportunities Denied, Opportunities Diminished: Discrimination in Hiring
Margery Austin Turner, Michael E. Fix, Raymond J. Struyk, The Urban Institute

Comments So Far ...

Blogger studio lolo says:

That makes a powerful statement! Permanent Link


Blogger Brine Blank says:

As an equal opportunist I say two strikes and your out regardless of race, creed, income, or bias against dairy product use...I'm all for tough love returning for all educational film I watched for an all black NY school showed how they toughened all the standards in such a manner and after an initial thinning of the herd, the school's overall achievement jumped over nearly every school in the state. Permanent Link


Blogger Dave M! says:

It should be noted that I changed the story that goes with this picture. Mister Blank is responding to Permanent School Exclusions Rise, a story about possible racial bias in British schools. Out of nearly 1,000 students who got expelled for disruptive and violent behavior in 2004, blacks were nearly three times more likely than whites to face this punishment.

Artist's Excuse: As you've probably guessed by now, the art was done a long time ago (it was published as an Op-Ed piece in 1991). At 'blog posting time, however, I couldn't remember the specific study I drew it for. I felt there had to be some text, and posted the first Google-searched "racial bias statistics" story that seemed to fit as a placeholder. I have since found the Urban Institute study, and replaced the British School reference. Unfortunately, this update didn't happen in time to stop Mr. Blank from responding to the wrong story.

Hi. This is Sal Governale: Please accept my most sincere apology. While journalistic sloppiness seems to be an internet badge of honor, it's not right by me. Such an error in judgement will not happen again. Permanent Link


Blogger Michelle Lana says:

Cool work! Permanent Link


Anonymous Anonymous says:

powerful display of social injustice. thanks for sharing to the world your work. keep up the strong voice! Permanent Link


What the Heck is Illustration Friday?

Think of it as a voluntary, client-free playground for illustrators. A topic is posted every Friday morning. Participants from around the world create, post and share their interpretations.

No Client? Why Bother?

At this stage of my career, I need a weekly public exercise to draw anything at all.

Freshness Dating

Unless otherwise stated, my iFriday work is all-new, created soley for that week's theme. Other Freshness categories include:

  • Repurposed
    Old art, lifted straight from the archives with no current modifications
  • Refurbished
    Previously-viewed art, modified and enhanced for current times
  • Alt Theme
    Past iFriday themes, presented when I have nothing for the current week's theme

Mission Statement

"It is better to be hated for what you are than to be loved for what you are not."
-- Andre Gide

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