Marshall Art Studio:

Web Development + Design, Graphic Design, Illustration, Comic Book Art

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Marshall Art Studio: Illustration Friday

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Illustration Friday


This one's a multimedia experience. Yes, I remember what I said about repurposing. This week's theme -- being too good to pass up -- was right inline with an unpublished comic book story I did a few years ago. Do you agree, or am I stretching? You be the judge! Online Slideshow | Downloadable PDF

Comments So Far ...

Blogger gma says:

I like it... Permanent Link


Anonymous Anonymous says:

is that ronald reagan sitting at the table? :-) great illustration! love your style! Permanent Link


Blogger Jeannetto says:

i like the name of your blog. it's funny. Permanent Link


Blogger Stacia says:

Very interesting scene! So many ghosts in one room...they even work! Permanent Link


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What the Heck is Illustration Friday?

Think of it as a voluntary, client-free playground for illustrators. A topic is posted every Friday morning. Participants from around the world create, post and share their interpretations.

No Client? Why Bother?

At this stage of my career, I need a weekly public exercise to draw anything at all.

Freshness Dating

Unless otherwise stated, my iFriday work is all-new, created soley for that week's theme. Other Freshness categories include:

  • Repurposed
    Old art, lifted straight from the archives with no current modifications
  • Refurbished
    Previously-viewed art, modified and enhanced for current times
  • Alt Theme
    Past iFriday themes, presented when I have nothing for the current week's theme

Mission Statement

"It is better to be hated for what you are than to be loved for what you are not."
-- Andre Gide

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