Marshall Art Studio:

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Marshall Art Studio: Illustration Friday

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Illustration Friday


Tech Talk Corel Painter, Arylic and Pencil tools.

Art Speak This started off as a single-layer, one-session "action" painting. While the background still adheres to this method, I couldn't escape the need to "draw" the main figure. My curse is spending so much time on the "behind the scenes" elements of illustration (reference, tight pencils) that there's little time left for final art. The whole idea of the "single session" painting is to produce work that is fresh, direct and less dependent on reference. My greatest fear that this work is only rushed, hacked and lazy. With Boston's 60-degree weather weekend, there were much more satisfying ways of being lazy.

iFridaynista Without a real client, it's hard to tell if I "direct hit" this week's assignment or merely grazed it with the "flesh wound" of abstract reference.

Comments So Far ...

Blogger Digital Scott's Illustrationblog says:

You really captured a mood here! And I totally dig your background! Permanent Link


Blogger Unknown says:

Awesome. How'd you get my 2am portrait? Permanent Link


Blogger Brine Blank says:

Funny the subtle touches in the background...but I also understand your frustration with the 'background' with regards to reference pics and the refining stages...I try to do all of my prismacolor work in single sessions and with a looser style and no reference pics...but as the slowest man on the planet it can be tough...(I started this weeks IF piece at 9:30 PM thinking it would take about 3 hours...until 4 am rolled around)...stupid colored pencils... Permanent Link


Blogger studio lolo says:

I swear I can HEAR this guy's buzz! Permanent Link


Blogger Za . . . Fuck YOU says:

I still prefer the background, but what do I know, I'm just a text and bones sorta guy. Permanent Link


Blogger Linda says:

well done! Permanent Link


Blogger Amy Zaleski says:

What the heck is in that cup? :-) Great style you have here.... Permanent Link


Anonymous Anonymous says:

"Coffee House" is fantastic conveying so well the effect of one too many expressos. The brain is on fire while the reality of the background pales. Permanent Link


Anonymous Obat Gondok Beracun says:

The article is very interesting. And I also want to share articles about health, I'm sure this will be useful. Read and share it. Thank you very much :)

Khasiat dan manfaat QnC Jelly Gamat
Obat Benjolan Di Ketiak
Solusi Sehat Alami
Obat Scabies Herbal
Obat Usus Buntu Tanpa Operasi
Obat Herbal Penghancur Kista Ovarium
Obat Nyeri Tumit Tradisional

Permanent Link


What the Heck is Illustration Friday?

Think of it as a voluntary, client-free playground for illustrators. A topic is posted every Friday morning. Participants from around the world create, post and share their interpretations.

No Client? Why Bother?

At this stage of my career, I need a weekly public exercise to draw anything at all.

Freshness Dating

Unless otherwise stated, my iFriday work is all-new, created soley for that week's theme. Other Freshness categories include:

  • Repurposed
    Old art, lifted straight from the archives with no current modifications
  • Refurbished
    Previously-viewed art, modified and enhanced for current times
  • Alt Theme
    Past iFriday themes, presented when I have nothing for the current week's theme

Mission Statement

"It is better to be hated for what you are than to be loved for what you are not."
-- Andre Gide

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